[v8.0.4] All new 'Draw Straight Lines' & Editable Shapes

Previously, you could draw shapes quickly by selecting the shape tool. Now, We have introduced shapes with predefined shapes along with freeform shapes as well.

  • Adding to the 'Hold to Convert to shape' feature in Pen and highlighter racks, you can now long tap on it to edit the shape drawn OR even rotate it!
  • We also added a new option to highlight things quickly using the 'Draw straight lines' feature. This option will reflect only in the Highlighter rack.

It usually takes anyone some time to get used to new changes. We work on UI simplification to make it easier for the user in the long run & this goes in after a whole lot of market research, testing, checking user pulse & usage habits, studying statistics & developing accordingly. Our only intention behind making changes is to add more power to our users! Pls try this out for a bit longer period to see its actual benefit & gauge the usability accordingly.

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