How to use Handwriting Recognition?

Noteshelf supports various languages in the app to search your handwriting inside your notes. To activate handwriting recognition in your language-

  1. Tap on Gear Icon (Settings)

  2. Tap on Handwriting Recognition

  3. Scroll to find your desired language and download the pack and select it once downloaded.

To use handwriting recognition search-

  1. Write your notes in your desired language

  2. Tap on "double page" Icon on the right side of the tool bar.

  3. Type in the desired word in the search bar and search

All documents with the word will be highlighted. You can also use this feature in the global search function to search for your handwritten notes all over the app.

Hope this works for you.

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  • 0
    Kim DaeHyeon

    How do I make my handwriting UNindexable while the text on the pdf file and the letters in textboxes are kept searchable? I think it was available until the latest update on September...

     What I m talking about is the handwriting search function, not about the use of lasso to turn handwritten letters into textbox. For the latter function, I am so happy and I want to keep that in use. For the former one, I hope there was a on/off button for "search handwritings as well."

    Edited by Kim DaeHyeon
  • 0
    Chet Chin

    Is there a way to disable handwriting recognition?

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