v8.2 - Export Entire Database to your Device

With the new update v8.2, you can now export your notebooks with their respective Categories and Groups in Noteshelf to local files or Google Drive. All your notebooks will be backed up in .zip format and the data will be exported with the Categories and Groups as created in the app. 

To export your notebooks, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Noteshelf and tap on the settings icon
  2. Tap on Cloud and Back-up
  3. Select Export and tap on Export Data

Noteshelf will display the Categories/ Groups that contain the notebooks. If your device has access to the internet then all your books, including the non-downloaded ones, will be exported.

If you do not have access to the internet, it will only export the downloaded books while a message ‘Failed to back-up the following notebooks’ will pop up along with a list of such notebooks in each Category/ Group.

Let us know how this works for you. Happy note-taking!

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