How to Move/Copy-paste pages from one Notebook to another in Noteshelf iOS

In earlier versions, you could only move pages into another notebook and they would show up at the end of  the notebook that they were moved into. But now with the page copy-paste feature, you can copy & then paste the pages into the other notebook exactly at the page number after which you would like to see them. Read on to know how-to.

To move pages from one notebook different notebook, tap on the navicon-finder.png Finder menu on the notebook toolbar to go into the page thumbnail menu:
  1. Tap 'Edit'-
  2. Select the pages
  3. Tap on 'Combined_Shape.png More' (3-dot icon)
  4. Select 'Move'
  5. Select the destination book.

To copy-paste pages into another notebook via the page thumbnail menu:

  1. Tap on 'Edit'
  2. Select the pages
  3. Tap on 'Combined_Shape.png More' (3-dot icon)
  4. Select 'Copy'
  5. Now go to the destination book
  6. Go to page thumbnail menu
  7. Long tap on the page under which you want to paste the copied pages
  8. Choose the 'Paste Below' option.
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