How to import stock photos from the Noteshelf Media Library

Noteshelf has a "Media Library" (earlier known as stock photos) which lets you import images and add them to your notes from third party stock photo libraries- Pixabay and Unsplash. These images are freely usable and can be used without any copyright issues.

To import stock photos from the Media Library-

  1. Open any notebook

  2. Tap on the navicon-add_1.png“Add” Menu

  3. Tap on the Option_7_1.png “Photo” Icon

  4. Select  media-sticker_1.png "Media Library” from the menu

  5. Here you can see the two sources for importing images- Pixabay and Unsplash

  6. Select the source you want to search in and type in the keyword of the image you are looking for
    - You will find various categories under each of the sources to streamline your search (for eg. Unsplash has categories for animals, food, health, etc)
    - You can also select the “Vectors” option under Pixabay to find vector and png images with a transparent background (Hint- this works great for stickers!)

  7. After the images appear according to the keyword, tap on any image to import it to the notebook and resize it as per your need (Hint- you can lock the image to prevent it from being selected accidentally by long tapping on it)

Watch this video below to know more- 

We hope this helps, happy note-taking!

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